Uranus Direct in Taurus AKA “The Great Awakener”


Uranus direct at 6º Taurus, January 14th, “The Great Awakener” brings 1.21 gigawatts/ aka a bolt of lightning to what you value. Time to get those flux capacitors, fluxing! (PS all planets are now direct until Mercury retrogrades Jan. 30th, so just do it!)

Uranus has been retrograde for 5 months (there’s that number again!) and that energy brings a lot of internal shifts. I woke up with the song “Once in a Lifetime”, by the Talking Heads stuck in my head. David Byrne sings, “And you may ask yourself, where is my large automobile?…and you may ask yourself, am I right? or am I wrong. And you may say to yourself, My God! What have I done?” With Pluto being so active lately, and now Uranus waking up, the inspiration through transformation right now, is a major wake up call to change your life now. 

Some of us have felt powerless lately, but we are waking up to who we truly are and no longer fearing your gifts of greatness. Like Odin saying to Thor, “Are you Thor, the god of hammers? That hammer was to help you control your power; to focus it. It was never your source of strength." Take these sparks of inspiration and use them to bring more abundance into your life. 

Keep reading to learn where the Great Awakening is happening for you by sun and/or rising sign.


Keep a little extra in your bank account, so that if you need a break for that rainy day, you can stay home and sleep through it.


All your old habits of stability are shifting, so write down what you want to accomplish this year. It’s just fine if you’re bringing the unexpected with you, ignore the haters. They’re just jealous of your cool plans to rule the school. 


You may be having visions of changing the world, just make sure they don’t turn into delusions of grandeur. Be mindful of taking on too much and having all your good intentions go down the drain. If something is making you feel cagey, let it go and take a meditation break.


The balance of being part of the in crowd, but also taking care of yourself is important. If you’re getting pulled into too many debates with friends, maybe you should unsubscribe until things calm down again.


A shift at work could get you ready to take on more responsibility or you may be ready to change your whole career all together. Take a moment to figure out how to put your best foot forward. Shine your sunny selves in the direction of growth!


You masters of details are looking to take that ability to new heights. How can you add to all you know? Is there an upgraded software system that you’re looking to learn? Or some cool new outreach program that you want to be part of? 


Did you get an unexpected bonus? Found some extra cash in your pocket. Maybe do some adulting and get some sort of financial plan started. I know, it’s boring but it may just keep you afloat in the future.


Relationships not going as smoothly as you hoped? If you’re spidey-sense is tingling, have a conversation to clear the air so you can at least know what you want going forward. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.


There are a lot of intriguing adventures that you want to pursue and you could be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Create a schedule to help keep on top of it all and you’ll find that sticking to it will help you accomplish the boring stuff, too!


Venus is in your sign right now. You may be drawn to creating beauty in your environment and even feeling playful. If you really want this project to go somewhere, really put in the effort.


Have you all felt a little meh since your ruler Uranus has been napping? Perhaps bringing in more comfort or nurturing into your space will create the serenity you’re looking for. Fixing up the fixer-upper may be just the project you need to feel more secure in your space. 


What new information have you learned that has changed your perspective? Are you brave enough to acknowledge it? Take action on your new knowledge and move forward.


Analyzing Dr. King’s natal chart


New Moon in Capricorn 2021